Barony of Urquhart (Moray)
Lands Formed From Two Monasteries

The wealth accumulated by Scottish monasteries during the next three hundred years led to lax discipline and a decline in morals, and in 1456, the Pope, wishing to combat this, united the Benedictine Priory of Urquhart which had been reduced to two brethren, with the neighboring Valliscaulian Priory of Pluscarden, a younger foundation established in 1230 by King Alexander II. The black-robed Urquhart monks moved westwards into the beautiful glen of the Black Burn, and with the power of Dunfermline to support them, recruited the larger number of white-robed Valliscaulians into the Benedictine Order.
Pluscarden Priory lies six miles south west of Elgin, and was one of the most important ecclesiastical foundations in Moray. Pluscarden reflects the preference of King Alexander II for the Valliscaulians, a somewhat recondite French order which also had houses in the Highlands at Beauly, Ross-shire, and Ardchattan, Argyllshire. These represented the only houses of that order to be found in Great Britain. The Valliscaulian order had been founded in the Val des Choux (Valley of the Cabbages) around 1200, and shared the strictness of the Carthusians and the fellowship of the Benedictines.

Although Elgin Cathedral was reconstructed; the Pluscarden Priory remained in a sorry state of disrepair. It wasn't until 1948 that a group of Benedictines from Prinknash Abbey in Gloucestershire returned to restore the Priory of Pluscarden.

But in the aftermath of the Protestant Reformation of the mid sixteenth century, the crown claimed most of the former church lands. In Morayshire, new lordships were created out of the former ecclesiastical estates and granted, in part, to individuals who had rendered service to the king, a notable example being Alexander Seton (1555-1622) who became Commendator of Pluscarden, Lord President of the Court of Session from 1593-1605, thereafter Lord Chancellor, and latterly, Earl of Dunfermline.
Alexander Seton, a secret Catholic, was fourth son of George, Lord Seton, and his wife Isobel, daughter of William Hamilton of Sorn, High Treasurer of Scotland. He received "ane god-bairne gift" from his god-mother, Mary Queen of Scots, the lands of Pluscarden. In 1587 the lands of Pluscarden and Urquhart were combined and erected for him into the Barony of Urquhart, which was confirmed on 28 February, 1596 by King JamesVI . When he became a Lord of Session, Seton took that name for his title as Lord Urquhart. He later became Lord Fyvie, and finally the Earl of Dunfermline.